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Eastside Memorial FC
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We Moved!


After months of hard work, the EMFC Office and Facility has moved (three doors down)

The club is growing and we needed a space that can keep up with everyone.  For the last few months, the club has been hard at work getting the new facility ready.  With the help of many volunteers, the new space has been really coming together.  Like all moves, there are still a few boxes that need to be unpacked and corners that need to be swept.  Here are a few photos of how everything is coming together:

Sneak peek at the new foyer with a fresh coat of paint.
View of the New Foyer

The new field viewing area. Look at the space

Working hard on getting the Fitness Room ready (at least some of us ​😂)

And look at that beautiful field.  Double the size!

Check our instagram and facebook for more photos and videos to come.
Instagram @emfcsoccer
Facebook @eastsidememorialfootballclub


Registration NOW OPEN!!!


New Technical Director Announcement


Christmas Break


House league Schedule
