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2012/2013 Indoor Soccer Registration

On-line registration for the 2012/2013 Eastside Soccer Indoor season NOW OPEN.

On-line registration for the 2012/2013 Eastside Soccer Indoor season is now open.  On-line payment will be credit card only.  There will be an option to pay in full or through an installment plan.  If you wish to pay using vouchers, cash, debit, credit, or any combination of the above, please plan to attend one of the in-person registration sessions.

In-person registration can be done any Tuesday or Thursday
evening from 6pm to 9pm


Saturday mornings from 9am to noon

All in-person registration sessions will be at CNESF (401-33rd Street NE).  If you are a new player with Eastside Soccer Club, please bring proof of age (Alberta Health Care, passport, etc.).

If you have any questions, please feel free to contact the age group coordinator, or the registrar.

Please visit our website often for updates.

Registration NOW OPEN!!!


New Technical Director Announcement


Christmas Break


House league Schedule
