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InterSquad 2018!


Thank You Everyone for another great InterSquad

One of my favourite events of the year at EMFC is InterSquad.   Players from different age groups, different teams get together and have a day of "friendly competition".  Every year the event gets a little bigger and so do the kids (and maybe the coaches..).  This year was no different where more than 130 players signed up for the event.  Add in the coaches and volunteers we had one of the largest and most successful InterSquads to date.  

New this year was the Tech Team entry which all of the players wanted to score against!  They showed up and brought a few tricks with them but the real the stars of the day were all of the kids.  Thank you to all the team leads, the players, everyone was brought together and showed us the love for the game. 

Finally, a huge thanks to all of the volunteers that made this day possible.  We'll see you next year!

Registration NOW OPEN!!!


New Technical Director Announcement


Christmas Break


House league Schedule
